March 8, 2025 12:41 pm


What We Stand For

Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement was forged by fire! The fire of passion to see and realize a legitimate and real change on the political landscape of Soualiga. The politics of the movement is not in fact at the center of this passion – but more so the desire to exude such a difference on leadership aptitude, that it effortlessly translates to tangible results for every inhabitant.

Our Vision

The UNIFIED RESILIENT ST. MAARTEN MOVEMENT (URSM) strongly believes in the principles of democracy, the rule of law, and inclusion, while upholding and honoring human values as the fundamental rights, freedoms, and conscious conviction for all. URSM will lead with a clear vision and approach that is anchored in dignity, integrity, equality, peace, and respect, contributing to the betterment of humankind on Sint Maarten

What Makes URSM Different

URSM is a party of inclusion. Although there are more than 120 nationalities living peacefully together on this island, this phenomenon does challenge the country’s identity and patriotism. We from the URSM do believe that inclusion is a tool to promote a common sentiment of country identity for Sint Maarten.

URSM has been established to take care of the needs, hopes, and aspirations of the people of Sint Maarten. URSM stands for governing with Principles, morals, integrity, transparency, accountability, and vision. URSM will lead by example. Leading by example creates believers. People believe in a visionary. URSM will make sure to guard against discrimination based on gender, nationality, culture, race, age, disabilities, and sexual preference. URSM is a party with a great awareness of the existing critical socio-economic status of the people of this country.

What Defines URSM

The UNIFIED RESILIENT ST. MAARTEN MOVEMENT (URSM) strongly believes in the principles of democracy, rule of law, and inclusion, while upholding and honoring human values as the fundamental rights, freedoms, conscious conviction for all. URSM will lead with a clear vision and approach that is anchored in dignity, integrity, equality, peace, and respect, contributing to the betterment of humankind on Sint Maarten

What makes URSM different

URSM is a party of inclusion. Although there are more than 120 nationalities living peacefully together on this island, this phenomenon does challenge the country’s identity and patriotism. We from theURSM do believe that inclusion is a tool to promote a common sentiment of country identity for Sint Maarten.

  • URSM has been established to take care of the needs, hopes and aspirations of the people of Sint Maarten.
  • URSM stands for governing with Principles, morals, integrity, transparency, accountability and vision.
  • URSM will lead by example. Leading by example creates believers. People believe in a visionary.
  • URSM will make sure to guard against discrimination based on gender, nationality, culture, race, age, disabilities and sexual preference.
  • URSM is a party with a great awareness of the existing critical socio-economic status of the people of this country.

“URSM is a Party of INCLUSION.” —  Dr. Luc Mercelina

URSM's Logo

The Brown Pelican is first and foremost our National Bird. It is flying in a forward direction meaning that this movement will move St. Maarten Forward ensuring that the people will not be left behind because they will be taken along under our Wings as we Govern.

The Pelican has proven its Resilience and was almost driven to extinction twice. For this reason, The URSM chose this bird because of its RESILIENCE.

The Pelican is a shining example of the success of endangered species and their environmental protection work. Pelicans are the most striking birds in the world with HUGE FEET (Solid Foundation) and MASSIVE BILLS which they use to Catch large fish. The latter is representative of URSM Vision and Mission for Country. That bill stretched out moving forward with Plans to Reclaim St. Maarten and Practice Good Governance.

Our Values & Competences

URSM has adopted the following core values and competencies:

Empathy, the ability to understand others, to sense their current state, and to identify with this. Humility, the ability to recognize mistakes, process them and be in the constant state of learning from those mistakes. A receptive mind to the opinion of others requires humility.

Respect, acceptance of others, regardless of their position in life, is at the core of respect. Ascribing value to all persons, regardless of their opinion on a matter, and ensuring that our differences do not divide us. Transparency, appropriate and timely communication is the foundation of transparency. Using principles of empathy and strong communication skills, ensure that persons are well informed and can take required actions, where and when necessary. Transparency also provides opportunities for leaders to gain feedback. 

Inclusion, the focus on the individual needs of persons – and by extension the needs of our communities at large, without subtracting the inherent value of those persons and communities. Inclusion means the respect of all persons for the needs they identify, and being willing and able to address those needs, even if they do not align with our expectations or imagination.

Accountability, this value speaks of acknowledging and accepting ownership, despite of the outcome. It flows into taking responsibility for words, actions and even beliefs. The principle of accountability should have no end and no beginning, it includes holistic acceptance of ones actions and outcomes.

When we speak of leveraging empathy, we speak of placing ourselves in the shoes of another, literally. Leaders who leverage empathy, view situations, challenges and opportunities from the perspective of others and not only their own position. Appropriately understanding emotions and assigning them in their rightful value placement. Inclusive communication goes beyond our general understanding of effective communication – the focus here is on effective listening and paying attention to the speaker – the individual. Inclusion of communities starts with the inclusion of each member of that community, and it is vested in the hearing them when they speak, being present in the moment.

Building relationships is fundamental, and by itself, ties all the core values together, embedding the al competencies in such a way that the behavior of the leader flows, nearly effortlessly. Nothing is more important than building the relationships, in trust, and honesty.

Finally, shaping the culture (country or organization/movement), refers to the influence of the leader to shift from the current “AS IS” status to the desired “TO BE” status. This requires change management, a leader applies to mobilize the troops, with a structured approach and process, to engage members of the movement by encouraging their participation, and communicating frequently and openly.

In closing, the listed core values and competencies are the expected behavioral outputs of every URSM member, regardless of their position within the organization.


Phone: +721 588-0155
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Address: St. Maarten

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